APS Student Handbook Links
- Custodial Rights of Parents
- Cell Phone Policy
- Dress Code Policy
- Attendance
- Counselor
- Drop-Off and Pick-Up Zones
- Early Release
Custodial Rights of Parents
In the absence of a certified court order/custody agreement limiting or terminating the rights of a parent or appointed guardian, such persons shall be assumed to have all legal rights pertaining to parenthood with respect to access to a student’s educational records and participation in school activities relating to the student. In the event a parent or guardian claims that the other parent’s rights have been limited or terminated at the time a student is enrolled or while attending a district school as an enrolled student, it shall be the claimant’s obligation to produce the certified court order/custody agreement to support such claim. If multiple schools are impacted, the claimants are responsible to provide each school with the most recent agreement. The school shall maintain a copy of each such court order/custody agreement in the student’s records.
- “Court Order” – official proclamation by a judge that defines the legal relationships between the parties to a court proceeding. For purposes of this procedural directive “court order” specifically refers to custody/time sharing of minor children and temporary/permanent restraining orders
- “Custody Agreement” – custody/time sharing mutually agreed on by both parents. Document must be dated, and both parents’ signatures must be notarized
- “Physical Custody” – the parent with whom a child lives the majority of the time
- “Educational Rights” – right to access a child’s educational records, e.g. report cards, transcripts, contact with teachers
This is taken from the link in the Handbook for Student Success found under "Parent and Student Rights and Responsibilities" under Foster Care, you will find the Child Custody Issues Link.
Cell Phone Policy
Matheson Park Elementary School
Student Cell Phone Policy
Current APS policy allows students to have personal electronic devices on campus. These include cell phones, pagers, music/media players, gaming devices, and personal digital assistants. However, these devices must be kept out of sight and turned off during school hours (8:05 A.M. – 3:35 P.M.), unless permission has been given by a member of the school staff. If the device is being used without permission or is interfering with instruction, the device will be confiscated by administration and must be picked up by the student’s family.
Please refer to the APS website for the full policy.
Students who bring an electronic device from home do so at their own risk. Matheson Park Elementary School will not be financially responsible for damaged and missing/stolen phones.
Dress Code Policy
Matheson Park Elementary School strongly believes that all students should be able to dress comfortably and the primary responsibility for a student’s dress lies with the student and the family. The school will not impose punishment related to student dress and dress code enforcement will not result in barriers to student attendance or participation, unless related to safety.
- Prohibited clothing and accessories include, but is not limited to:
- obscene or violent language or images
- depictions of alcohol or drugs or other illegal item or activity
- racist content, hate speech, profanity or pornography
- accessories that could be considered dangerous or used as a weapon. For example, Students may not wear spiked jewelry, chains or belts with more than 2 inches excess.
- Hair color, length, style, including hair coverings or styles related to an individual’s personal, cultural or religious beliefs cannot be considered for disciplinary action.
- Clothing:
- Students must wear appropriately fitting clothing:
- Pants should fit at waist, crotch, and legs.
- Tank tops/dresses with 2” wide straps may be worn and no midriffs.
- When wearing shorts or skirts, the length must be at least the length of their fingertips when hands are rested at their side.
- Students may not wear clothing that advertises displays or promotes drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sexual activity, violence, disrespect or bigotry.
- Hats/Caps
- May not be worn in the building except when there are instructional, safety, religious or medical reasons. Students may wear hats outside for sun protection.
- Shoes
- Close-toed shoes are best for school and are required for PE days. Flip flops, sandals and high heels are discouraged. For safety reasons, Heelys and/or rollerblades or any other shoes with wheels are not allowed.
In the event of a dress code violation, students will be provided a change of clothing and/or call home for a change of clothes. If families need assistance with clothing, then notify the counselor, community school coordinator, teacher, or administration.
“Dress for Success”
Children may only be on campus from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm unless enrolled in Parks & Rec.
If your child will be absent, please call the Main Office: (505) 291-6837 ext. 5
The parent or guardian must provide the teacher with documentation (e.g. a doctor's note, etc.) concerning their student’s absence upon return to school.
If your child is absent and no communication has been received from home, the absence will be recorded as unexcused. Children with 4.5 absences or more per semester may be referred for additional action. Please be aware that in addition to absences, excessive tardiness may be referred for further action.
Matheson Park has the services of a half-time counselor and a part-time social worker to work with families and children to implement the APS district counseling curriculum. Our counselor meets with classes, small groups, and individuals. Please feel free to contact our counselor concerning school-related issues.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Zones
Student pick-up and drop-off is in the parking lot, north of the school. Cars enter from the northernmost gate going the direction indicated (west) and either park in the lot (if you plan on getting out of the car and walking on campus to pick up your child) or line up in the drive-through lane closest to the curb.
No one is allowed to get out of their cars when they are in the pull-through lane. A parent volunteer or staff member will direct traffic in the lot. On-duty staff will direct the pedestrians in the yellow striped area when to cross the street. Pedestrians should not cross the street in front of the pull-through lane or the line of cars exiting the parking lot.
Only daycare vans are allowed into the main parking area in the front of the school. Traffic is not permitted in the bus loading area on the east side of the school.
Early Release
We will not release students after 3:40 pm unless you have an appointment that requires early checkout. Contact the teacher in the morning if you have changes in your normal pickup process.
Children will not be released from school during school hours unless an authorized adult with picture identification picks them up. All persons authorized to pick children up must be listed on your child’s enrollment card.
Children must be signed out through the Main Office. Adults will be required to show identification before a child is called to the Main Office. Children will not be allowed to wait unattended outside of the school building.